VANESA HARBEK (ARG) - Show mimořádně talentované argentinské kytaristky a zpěvačky, která v rámci svého evropského turné zavítá také do ČR a SK. Její koncerty v mezinárodním obsazení jsou neobyčejnou podívanou ohnivé hudby ve znamení jazz, rock, blues. 

Blues, soul, rhythm and blues, swing and rock and roll, are the styles of this talented singer, guitar and trumpet player with a degree in Music, Teaching and Composition at UCA -Argentine Catholic University. She has a versatile and powerful voice and moves comfortably in different musical styles. She has a natural talent with the guitar.

Her exquisite technique and solid sound, make a perfect combination for her virtuosity and quality as a performer.

Vanesa shared stage with Ciro Fogliatta, Black Amaya, Luis Robinson, Jaf, Hugo Mendez ,Rubén Gaitán, Semilla Bucharelli in the local scene; at internacional scene she played with Igor Prado, Decio Caetano, Big Gilson, David Tanganelli (Brasil) Omar Coleman, Sugar Blue, Dave Riley, Linsey Alexander y Vino Louden (USA), Antonio Vergara (Ecuador) Kenny Blues Boss Wayne (Canada), Marcos Coll (Spain), Daryl Taylor and Rico MacClarrin (Chicago) and Vargas Blues Band (Spain).

She has toured Argentina as well as other countries, including International Jazz Festivals in Mexico, Ecuador, Germany, Poland, Italy, Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil and Chile. And her Clinics Guitar in Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Ecuador were very successful.

In addition to this, Vanesa has been performing extensively with Vargas Blues Band as special guest in Europe in Hard Time Blues Tour.

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